After reading this article you're going to wish your town or city would ban plastic water bottles, too. Nothing good can be said about the use of plastic bottles. Beverage bottlers keep producing more and more and MORE plastic bottles, which end up in our waterways and the oceans of the world. I can't think of one good thing to say about plastic water bottles.
In her article for Ban The Bottle, Hannah Ellsbury tells the story of a town that banned plastic water bottles.
"College campuses are one thing, they say, but it’s impossible to completely ban single-use plastic water bottles in a town. Well, they’re right – and they’re also absolutely wrong. Because four years ago this very month, residents of Concord, Massachusetts, voted to essentially ban the bottle. They voted to ban the sale of single-use plastic water bottles, and the following January, the measure went into effect.
First, some background.
Jean Hill is an 88-year-old grandmother who learned about garbage patches – and their proliferation of plastic – in the ocean from her grandson. A bit of research confirmed her worst fears – that despite an uptick in recycling, some two million tons of plastic water bottles still end up in landfills every single year.
To Hill, the best place to start reducing all that plastic was with stopping the worst offenders, and that’s what she set out to do. But it wasn’t easy. Local merchants were none too pleased, and the International Bottled Water Association put up a big fight too. Still, when the measure went into effect, all local merchants were on board."
Read the full article here: